If you'd like to write a review of any of the Dizzy games (official or
unofficial) then this is the place. I'm always really pleased to get more reviews
from my visitors so please do send them in!
To submit a review, simply with the following details:
Your name (optional)
Your e-mail address or website address (optional)
The name of the Dizzy game your review is of
The version of the game you are reviewing (e.g. Spectrum, Amiga ...)
Your review!
(I'd also appreciate it if you let me know how you found this site.)
Once your review has been accepted, I'll add it to the Visitor
Reviews page and link to it from the relevant game's page.
If you supply an e-mail address or website address, then your review will
include a link to that address. Please let me know if you don't wish me to include
the link to your website or e-mail address. We reserve the right not to include your
review or to link to to your website / e-mail address.